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I grew up with a father that was born in the region of Italy where pesto came from -- Genoa. And for that reason, I spent my childhood eating pesto like other kids ate mac and cheese. I was eating pesto before it was "cool" to eat pesto! And to this day, it is one of my favorite dishes to eat!

In Italy they say that if you want to prepare "pesto" you must use the right basil: with small, tender leaves, of a vibrant green, not too dark nor yellowish, and not flabby. Only the perfect color with the perfect smell. If the basil grows under a strong sun, it may acquire a certain "mint" taste. For this reason they say that the perfect basil for "pesto" grows only in Liguria, in the area around Voltri, west of Genova, where the rays of the sun fall with the correct angle.

On my tours to Italy, we always stay a few days in Levanto, my father's hometown and are sure to sample some of the best pesto known to man. Contact me to find out information on the next tour scheduled for May of 2020 :-)

Do you like pasta al pesto?

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